Phillips Veterinary Clinic
To our valued clients, we have been transitioning to a new software to better serve you! In this time we may have occasions where wait times may be longer as our staff learn this system. We ask for patience while all of our staff (veterinarians included!) navigate this transition. This software will be enhanced for your pets records as well as ease communication between doctors and clients. This transition should be completed by mid summer so please bear in mind when calling!
As always thank you for entrusting us with the care for your pets, horses, and dairy farm!!
Reproductive Services
Ultrasound Pregnancy Exam Ultrasound can be used to determine pregnancy in a mare as early as 14 days! This is commonly done after artificial insemination when an exact breeding date is known. Ultrasound pregnancy exams can be done at your farm or at our equine facility. Artificial Insemination When choosing to breed your mare, you want the best for your new foal's sire. Artificial insemination is a good way to breed a quality mare to a premium stallion located anywhere in the world! At Phillips Veterinary Service we offer AI from cooled and frozen semen. We also offer storage of frozen semen for future breeding. Ultrasound examinations determine when a mare is getting ready to ovulate; we then decide when to order semen. Ultrasound can be done on the farm or at our clinic. We offer reproductive boarding options where you drop your mare off at our equine clinic, she is examined as needed to determine ovulation, and we notify the stallion owners when to ship the semen. The mare is here and ready to be inseminated as soon as the semen arrives. This is an efficient way to manage AI breeding and allows our doctors to more accurately determine when a mare is due to ovulate because ultrasounds can be done several times a day rather than just once during a farm visit. Please call for more details if you are interested in artificial insemination for your mare. Breeding Soundness Exams Mares Before breeding a mare, we recommend a breeding soundness exam to determine your chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy. Breeding soundness exams are often required by stallion owners shipping semen to ensure your mare is likely to become pregnant. These exams include vaginal and cervical exams, ultrasound of the uterus, and uterine biopsy and culture. Stallions Physical exams of the horse and reproductive anatomy can be done to look for any of the indicators of performance. If trained or being trained for collection, stallions can have a semen evaluation done to determine quality and shipping ability. This process can be involved if the stallion is untrained for collection. Please call with any questions about this service. Caslick's Performed and Removed Aged mares, or mares with a "tipped" pelvis, often require a Caslick's procedure to ensure no manure can enter their vaginal vault. This can cause problems with infertility and chronic irritation. A Caslick's can be performed quickly and safely in our equine facility. Removing a Caslick's is required at least 2-3 weeks before a mare is due to foal. Failing to remove a Caslick's can result in problems with foaling including delayed delivery, tearing of the vulva and recto-vaginal fistulas. If you are not sure if your mare has a Caslick's please call for an appointment to have her evaluated. Emergency Non-Surgical Dystocias A dystocia is defined as an abnormal or difficult labor. Dystocias in horses can be the result of improper foal position at the time labor starts, abortion due to infections, congenital deformities of the foal, a sick or unhealthy mare, or simply bad luck. Many dystocias can be resolved successfully with quick response. The longer a mare is in trouble, the more likely a foal will be born dead. Some dystocias require a cesarean-section to resolve. This can only be done at a surgical referral center. Our doctors are trained to know when your mare needs surgery. Please, NEVER hesitate to call if you think your mare is having problems during foaling. Embryo Transfer Phillips Veterinary Service offers limited Embryo Transfer to our clients. This can be an excellent way to continue bloodlines in mares that will ovulate but are unable to settle. This can also be a successful way to breed mares without having to sacrifice their athletic endeavors. If you are interested in ET, please call our office for more details. Fetal Sexing Can't wait to buy either a blue or pink foal halter? Fetal sexing is an excellent way to determine the sex of your foal. Sexing can be done from 60-90 days gestation. Semen Collections and Storage Semen Collection for Cooled Shipping We are able to offer our services for stallion collection and shipping cooled semen Monday through Friday. Training of the stallion for collection is required and can be done here with our phantom mount. Please call for more details or to set up an appointment for collection. Frozen Semen Storage Frozen semen is an excellent option for overseas shipping of semen or to keep semen from your stallion on hand for shipping year round. We offer semen storage at our equine facility. Please call for details. Stallion Phantom Training for Collection Congratulations! You have a stallion worthy of breeding and now you want to ship his semen to mares waiting for his special DNA around the country. Semen collection can be challenging if a stallion is not properly trained to collect. Some stallions are taught to collect on the ground, for many younger more inexperienced stallions a phantom mare is used. We offer phantom training for collection at our facility. Please call for more details.